Privacy Policy

General Terms

These terms and conditions apply to the use of the software, and by accessing and / or registering, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below.

Lost data or information

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall MpLogic Ltd be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software product or the provision of or failure to provide technical support, even if MpLogic Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Fair Usage

You shall not disclose your personal login information or provide access to this software to a third party.

Technical Support

MpLogic support may be contacted by email at For a timely response, your requests should be by email only. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. MpLogic Ltd is not responsible for lost mail, phone messages, or email. Therefore, it is your responsibility to follow up on any request if a response has not been received within a timely manner.

Privacy Policy

MpLogic Ltd collects and uses the personal information that you submit online as described herein. MpLogic Ltd reserves the right to modify the terms of this policy at any time. Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of, or registration with MpLogic Ltd shall constitute your acceptance of these terms.

MpLogic Ltd takes the privacy of its Users data very seriously. Please read the following policy to understand how we will treat your personal data after it has been collected by us through your use of one of our distribution channels. Those distribution channels will include our website and any other distribution. If this policy changes then we will let you know via our homepage but we assure you that we only use your data as specified here and for our legitimate business reasons.

When do we collect data?

We can collect data on you from a variety of different sources. These include:

  1. When you become a subscriber to our services.
  2. When you contact our customer services department.
  3. Via implicit data capture measures such as studying which pages you read the most and the use of cookies.

In any of the above cases the data we collect could be personal data.

What do we do with your personal information?

Unless we have your express consent we will never disclose personal data to a third party.

We will not sell, rent or trade your information to third parties for marketing purposes.


We care about the security of our customers. Please notify us immediately of any compromise or unauthorised use of your details.


Each website owned and operated by MpLogic Ltd & and those of associated partner companies uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file of which there are three types.

Session Cookies: These are used to maintain something called session state. If you consider your journey through the site to be a conversation with us and this cookie just reminds the site where we were in that conversation (for instance if at some point in the conversation you asked us to add a product to your basket, next time you click on the basket it is still there). These are required for the site to function but are not used in any way to identify you personally.

Permanent Cookies: These store a few numbers on your hard drive. You can view them by looking in the cookies directory of your browser installation if you are interested. They last for a long time and each time you come to our site you send us a copy of them. We use them to identify you between visits. For instance if you were looking at a specific product last time you were on the site and we subsequently have a related offer which may interest you we may use this cookie to recognise you and show you our this offer. They are not required for the site to work but may enhance your experience. We do not store any personal data in these cookies, just a unique number that identifies you to us.

Third Party Cookies: Although you cannot block session cookies as they are required for our site to function correctly you can configure your internet browser so that it can reject both permanent and third party cookies. How you do this will depend upon the internet browser you use (for example, Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome etc) and it is therefore impractical for us to detail here how you can reject those cookies. Please refer to the relevant internet browser manufacturer's website where you should be able to receive all the information you need.

Ready to dive in? Make your enquiry today.